Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Friday was the first day of Spring and my 44th birthday! I had a wonderful weekend!

On Thursday night, my visiting teacher came by and brought me Starbucks pumpkin bread. That was my birthday breakfast. At work, some of my co-workers gave me a $90 Kohl's gift card. Shopping time!!! Patrick came to my office and brought me a miniature rose plant. We are going to plant it in our flower garden. On Friday evening, Patrick gave me an exercise ball (at my request). Then we went to our neighbor's house and grilled steaks, had baked potatoes and fun fellowship.

On Saturday, my mother and her husband came over. We went to eat at a home cooking restaurant out in the country called The Cookie Jar Cafe. They have a collection of cookie jars - over 100 jars. Thus the name.

It was a great weekend! Perfect weather. We went to church on Sunday. We had not been in a few weeks, as Patrick was sick, I was sick, Patrick was in Arizona, and we were both in Nashville. It was great to see our friends in the ward!

Patrick is at home today working on the flower beds. We dug up all the old mulch and horrible "top soil" that was put down originally. We are getting some "black gold" - combination top soil, mulch and fertilizer. We should have some awesome looking plants later this Spring and Summer.

Hope everyone is doing well. Let us hear from you!

1 comment:

Turn The Paiges said...

Happy birthday Stephanie! It sounds like you had a wonderful day! We just got back in town. i will call you soon.